Jeremiah 51:6 KJV
6 Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance; he will render unto her a recompence.

Over the last 40 years or so, due to the efforts of a small handful of extremely courageous Real Historians (often called "revisionists" but that term doesn't really apply, it more aptly applies to the Cultural Marxists who've lied to us about our history), the truth about the so-called "holocaust" has slowly come out. And that truth is simply that it never happened. It is the biggest of Big Lies.
10 Reasons the "Holocaust" Never Happened
The World Almanac reported that the world's Jewish population was slightly larger just after the war than it was just before the war
No Bodies: Nobody ever found anywhere near six million bodies
No Gas Chambers: Nobody ever found a single gas chamber capable of killing humans, never-mind six million of them
No Crematoria: Nobody ever found crematoria capable of incinerating six million bodies
No Written Orders were ever discovered ordering the deaths of Jews
No Mention of a "Holocaust" in historical works like Churchill's six-volume history of the war, The Second World War
Camp Workers and Residents living near the camps can not recall anyone going missing
Red Cross Representatives Were Stationed in the Camps and none ever reported a "holocaust"
Jewish Elites Have Repeatedly Cried "Six Million": After nearly every major European conflict of the 19th and 20th centuries, Jews cried "holocaust"
Six Million is the Number of Jews That Were Transported to the Camps, yet the camps were full at the end of the war
Notes on the above
1. The World Almanac Reports: The World Almanac reported that there were roughly 15.3 million Jews in the world in 1933 when Judea famously declared war on Germany and a little under 15.8 million in 1948, just after the war. According to most sources, there are still roughly 15-18 million Jews in the world. And that number has held steady for over a century.
2. No Bodies: No where near six million bodies were ever found. They say this is because they were burned in pits. Crematorium owners and other experts on the subject assure us that it is impossible to burn a human body to ash without specially designed incinerators. Even garbage incinerators won't do it.
You've probably seen the photos of emaciated bodies piled high in huge mounds. Turns-out, none of those photos have ever been authenticated and are probably pictures from the Soviet camps (gulags and others) where mass murders did take place. All of the authentic photos of the Jewish camps show relatively healthy well-fed inmates.
The rest of this Document along with videos and boos will be in a link.