He [Louis XIV] also had a daughter who was not acknowledged...There was a nun in the Abbaye de Moret who was supposed to be his daughter. She was EXTREMELY SWARTHY, and otherwise resembled him”
(Voltaire, “The Age of Louis XIV.: To which is Added, an Abstract of The Age of Louis XV”; 1780)
The word Swarthy or Swart derives from ‘Schwarz’ or ‘Schwartz’ which means “to be black; black man, and negro
(Flügel-Schmidt-Tanger, a Dictionary of the English and German Languages for Home and School; 1905)
Definition of SWARTHY:
Black, Dark Brown, [dusky], Tawny [tan-colored]
(Samuel Johnson, “A Dictionary of the English Language; in which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals; and Illustrated in Their Different Significations ... Together with a History of the Language, and an English Grammar.”; Vol 4; 1818)
“Some people suspected, and not without reason, that a certain lady in the abbey of Moret was Louis's daughter. She was VERY BROWN, and resembled him in every other respect”
(Thomas Pike Lathy, “Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV. Comprising Biography and Anecdotes of the Most Celebrated Characters of that Period, Styled the Augustan Era of France. In Three Volumes.; 1819)
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