“The traces of our black ancestry are visibly existent in a hundred surnames” — David MacRitchie
“Some family names that designate an ancestor who had SKIN DARKER than his companions are MURRELL and MORRILL”
“If the ancestor had a very dark complexion, the name was likely to become MOHR, SWARTZ, SWART, SCHWARTZ or SCHWARZ in Germany”
(Elsdon Cole Smith, ‘American Surnames’; 1986)
Mohr = a Moor, a Black, a Black - a Moor, a Negro, an Ethiopian.
(Johann Eber, ‘The New And Complete Dictionary Of The German And English Languages’; 1798)
Gottschald M. Deutsche Namenkinde, gives derivatives of Moor as—Morian, Morillo, Maurelius, Mohrentonih, Mohrenstecher…
Berry W. (Encyclopedia Heraldica) gives derivations of Moor as—Morand, Morel, Morican, Morlot, Mormand, Mauriac….
Lorédan Larchey (Dictionnaire des Noms; 1880) pp. 326, 336, 337; gives the following derivatives of Moor—Murel, Maurice, Maurand, Maurant, Maury, Maurin, Mauritz, Moran, Morand, Morard, More, Moreau, Moreaux, Morellet, Moricaud, Morricard, Moricault, Morice, Moriceau, Moricet, Morillon, Morillot, Morize, Morot, Mory, Lemor, Lemorc…
Spelling variations of this family name include:—Moret, Morez, Moré, Morais, Morey, Moraie, Moraies, Mauret, Maurez, Maurais, Maurey, Mauraie, Mauraies, Morret, Maurret, Morrez, Morré, Moore, Morrais, Maurrais, Morrey, Maurrey, Murrey, Murray, Morraie, Maurraie, Morraies, Maurraies, Mouré, Mouret, Mourez, Morris, Morrison, Mourière, and many more….
First found in Ile-de-France, (More) where the family has held a family seat since ancient times…
These names originally stem from the Old French word MORE (“moor”) meaning a so called black man…
